As you may know, I bake pies. And from time to time I take on a pie frenzy for a purpose. I've baked pies to raise money for orphans in M-y-a-n-m-a*r. And I've baked pies to help us have enough money to pay fees related to an adoption of a domestic infant.
Since we're gearing up to move forward with that whole process, and given that it's holiday season, I figured it was time to put the shout out to see if anyone was interested in donating to the Kline Kid Cause in exchange for a pie.
I just took the first pie out of the oven. And I have orders for nine more. When some people are expecting they say they have "a bun in the oven." As for us, when we're expecting, you'll find pies in our ovens!
Jake and I baked a pie for the first time together the other day. It was, of course, messy and disastrous and the whole time I found myself really wishing you lived closer because you are so much more patient than I and are an awesome piewoman.
Also, I'm making your zuke bread for Thanksgiving!
So glad I came across your blog. Tried to follow, but it wouldn't let me. Excited to see your journey,
Fellow foster/adopt parent
Hi there!
I recently came up with your blogs, foster parenting and adoption. I lived the experience and it is been comforting to read other people stories and thoughts. Thanks for sharing yours. I know it is been a while without posting but I was wondering if you would be interested in sharing your posts on Glipho? I bet that our users would love to read you! It's a quite new social publishing platform, where you can connect to every social network accounts, really easy to use it and communicate with your followers. In additional, you are able to import the posts from your blog in a super-easy way without affecting it at all.
Please, have a look and take a tour to know more about and if you feel like it, in one click you can set up your account!
I hope you will join our Glipho community soon.
All the best,
Where are you now? I have just read through your fostering blog, and now this adoption blog and I'm curious how your family is now!
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