Sometimes I ask Kani to do something. To indicate that he understands he says, "I've got you, Mommy." But the other day he added a little something. It ended up like this:
"Okay, Mommy. I've got you. I've got your back!"
I nearly died.
Tonight as we were struggling through the difficult task of learning how to write the letter "e" in its various forms (didn't I just go through this with Cameron??? -- I did! Sigh.) Kani remarked, "I can't sit properly." No kidding! The kid had more moves than a squirrel in traffic.
Now it's time for Mommy to get away to her swimming class. My attendance is much improved this session. Can't imagine why :) It's good to get out. And it makes our bedtime roles so much clearer to know that Mondays and Wednesdays are Daddy's nights and Tuesdays and Thursdays are (for the most part) Mommy's nights--except for tomorrow night, when Eric is letting me go to our old Life Group get-together while he manages the kids - we had a last minute cancellation with our babysitter :( Soon, he'll be in volleyball on Tuesdays and Thursdays and I'll be in for awhile!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
So, yesterday Kani was accidentally sent home on the bus when he was supposed to stay for math. I ended up having to collect him at the middle school, since I was not at the bus stop when they brought him home (Kindergarten policy). Apparently, Kani thought he missed Arts and Crafts (for who knows what reason). He said, "Darn it! I missed Arts & Crafts. Darn it!" It's not the first time he's used this phrase, but it still makes me chuckle (inside only, of course).
When we came home Kani wanted to work on making hearts. He's been big into tracing his cardboard pattern (half-heart) and cutting it out. But he hasn't quite mastered the concept of folding the paper and lining up the pattern on the edge just yet. So yesterday he messed up twice, and said, "Oh no! I'm not a good artist!" It was too cute. Wish I could have recorded that one. He even produced real tears!
Another cute thing we've discovered is how Kani uses "dot com" as a verb. He uses it to refer to something he wants to see on the computer. Example, "Can you dot com that video of the singing church?" (the church where he's starting to participate in mime). Cute!
Finally, this was a couple days ago. I RSVP'd to a birthday party that Kani was invited to on Saturday. I asked the Mom what the young girl liked, so we'd have an idea of what to take her. Kani was patiently listening at my side. When I hung up he asked, "What kinds of things does he like?" I explained that his friend was actually a "she" and that she likes girlie things and has her ears pierced, etc. He started to cry. "It's a GIRL party?" I guess I assumed since he knew the girl's name, he would know it was a girl. Guess not. I comforted him and assured him that I think he'll still have a good time at the party and that other boys will be there.
Such drama!
When we came home Kani wanted to work on making hearts. He's been big into tracing his cardboard pattern (half-heart) and cutting it out. But he hasn't quite mastered the concept of folding the paper and lining up the pattern on the edge just yet. So yesterday he messed up twice, and said, "Oh no! I'm not a good artist!" It was too cute. Wish I could have recorded that one. He even produced real tears!
Another cute thing we've discovered is how Kani uses "dot com" as a verb. He uses it to refer to something he wants to see on the computer. Example, "Can you dot com that video of the singing church?" (the church where he's starting to participate in mime). Cute!
Finally, this was a couple days ago. I RSVP'd to a birthday party that Kani was invited to on Saturday. I asked the Mom what the young girl liked, so we'd have an idea of what to take her. Kani was patiently listening at my side. When I hung up he asked, "What kinds of things does he like?" I explained that his friend was actually a "she" and that she likes girlie things and has her ears pierced, etc. He started to cry. "It's a GIRL party?" I guess I assumed since he knew the girl's name, he would know it was a girl. Guess not. I comforted him and assured him that I think he'll still have a good time at the party and that other boys will be there.
Such drama!
Thursday, February 12, 2009

* Although Kani has slept in his bed before, I saved this for tonight-the first night he'll be in his bed "home, at last, to stay." Enjoy. (Author unknown)
Tonight as you lie sleeping
For the first time in your bed
There must be something lasting
And profound that should be said.
But as your face is gazed upon
Framed by your soft hair
No words can tell or quite express
The feelings that we share.
The wait is finally over.
You're home, at last, to stay.
And there will always be the memories
Of the joy that filled this day.
With a love that's running over
By the sight of you alone.
Welcome home, dear cherished one,
At long last...welcome home!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
So, one more day until Kani's "Going Home Party." Two more days before we actually get home as a family of four. And I still have a (little) fever. Ick. This is the third week in a row that I have been sick in some way. And it's no fun. I don't think it helped to drive the eight hours by myself on Sunday, or to be around the sick kids when I took Kani home. But you do what you have to do.
Last night was to be our last hoorah date. But I'm not too disappointed. Eric brought home dinner from the restaurant we were going to go to, and although we had planned to watch a movie at home, we just ended up going to bed early (I on the couch, Eric on his chair - until he went up to bed; I opted to keep the couch. It's my new best friend). And I don't feel the need to "get away" from Cameron just now. He watched cartoons so nice and quietly yesterday after I picked him up from school. And I was able to just chill on the couch. It could be worse. One of the good things about Cameron is that he doesn't watch TV very often. So on days like this when I really need a break from his incessant chatterboxing/stimming/etc., I don't feel as guilty about turning on the tube.
I feel like this weekend is anti-climatic. Perhaps that's because I feel I have a lot to do between now and then (around the house, at school, etc) and because we've been making this trip for the past six or seven weeks. Perhaps it's because I have a fever and am not really able to concentrate on the fact that we'll soon have two boys at our home forever. Perhaps it's also due, in part, to the fact that I know the reality of the situation is not all fun and games. The coming weeks and months are going to be difficult as we all learn how to live together. We've been through this before, and aren't naive enough to think that life is going to be wonderful with two six-year olds. I mean - it will be wonderful, but not all the time. And that's also tempered by the to and fro we'll be experiencing. We've got a lot to do. Register for school. Arrange appointments. Arrange caregivers. Keep busy enough with special activities (I've signed us each up for a sports-related activity) that we all have our own thing and we can have some time apart.
Anyway, we're in the home stretch now. All we have to do is pack the car for tomorrow (includes wrapping gifts for housemates -- the staff will have to wait for us to send a gift later, as I have been in no way able to do that this week), clean the house (doesn't THAT sound simple?), and make it through the rest of the stuff I need to finish for school. But I have been productive today - I got Kani registered for school, and he'll be ready to start on Tuesday. His bus time works fabulously with the rest of the schedule, so we should be good to go there, too. Now, if I could just get better....I need as much energy as I can muster for this weekend of all weekends. Not to mention the coming days ahead AFTER the weekend. No "week off" anymore. It's game time!
Last night was to be our last hoorah date. But I'm not too disappointed. Eric brought home dinner from the restaurant we were going to go to, and although we had planned to watch a movie at home, we just ended up going to bed early (I on the couch, Eric on his chair - until he went up to bed; I opted to keep the couch. It's my new best friend). And I don't feel the need to "get away" from Cameron just now. He watched cartoons so nice and quietly yesterday after I picked him up from school. And I was able to just chill on the couch. It could be worse. One of the good things about Cameron is that he doesn't watch TV very often. So on days like this when I really need a break from his incessant chatterboxing/stimming/etc., I don't feel as guilty about turning on the tube.
I feel like this weekend is anti-climatic. Perhaps that's because I feel I have a lot to do between now and then (around the house, at school, etc) and because we've been making this trip for the past six or seven weeks. Perhaps it's because I have a fever and am not really able to concentrate on the fact that we'll soon have two boys at our home forever. Perhaps it's also due, in part, to the fact that I know the reality of the situation is not all fun and games. The coming weeks and months are going to be difficult as we all learn how to live together. We've been through this before, and aren't naive enough to think that life is going to be wonderful with two six-year olds. I mean - it will be wonderful, but not all the time. And that's also tempered by the to and fro we'll be experiencing. We've got a lot to do. Register for school. Arrange appointments. Arrange caregivers. Keep busy enough with special activities (I've signed us each up for a sports-related activity) that we all have our own thing and we can have some time apart.
Anyway, we're in the home stretch now. All we have to do is pack the car for tomorrow (includes wrapping gifts for housemates -- the staff will have to wait for us to send a gift later, as I have been in no way able to do that this week), clean the house (doesn't THAT sound simple?), and make it through the rest of the stuff I need to finish for school. But I have been productive today - I got Kani registered for school, and he'll be ready to start on Tuesday. His bus time works fabulously with the rest of the schedule, so we should be good to go there, too. Now, if I could just get better....I need as much energy as I can muster for this weekend of all weekends. Not to mention the coming days ahead AFTER the weekend. No "week off" anymore. It's game time!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Corny Poem - The Gift of Life (Author Unknown)
The Gift of Life:
I didn't give you the gift of life,
But in my heart I know
The love I feel is deep and real,
As if it had been so.
For us to have each other
Is like a dream come true!
No, I didn't give you the gift of life
Life gave me the gift of you!
I didn't give you the gift of life,
But in my heart I know
The love I feel is deep and real,
As if it had been so.
For us to have each other
Is like a dream come true!
No, I didn't give you the gift of life
Life gave me the gift of you!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
We got the official word today that Kani will be moving home on Friday February 13th. No worries about the dates, folks - the 13th is a lucky day for our family. My mother was born on the 13th and Eric and I were married on the 13th.
We'll actually have a going away party at his home on Friday night. We'll probably stay overnight in town there before heading home, so we don't have to make the long trip right afterwards. I'm hoping my parents will be able to make it down on the 14th. Eric talked to his parents (I think?) but I don't know if they are able to come down that weekend or not. We'll not be ready to do much of any traveling right away, but certainly will welcome guests who would like to come and meet the newest member of our family.
We'll actually have a going away party at his home on Friday night. We'll probably stay overnight in town there before heading home, so we don't have to make the long trip right afterwards. I'm hoping my parents will be able to make it down on the 14th. Eric talked to his parents (I think?) but I don't know if they are able to come down that weekend or not. We'll not be ready to do much of any traveling right away, but certainly will welcome guests who would like to come and meet the newest member of our family.
Monday, February 2, 2009
So, I was looking forward to having a whole weekend at home without a long car ride. And that didn't quite work out how I thought it would. Friday night, when we called Kani, he told me he didn't want to ride all alone in the car with Eric, and that he "needed" me to come, too. What's a Mom to do? I made the concession that if I came, Ginger (the dog) would come, too (Kani had expressed some hesitation about the dog). Needless to say, Saturday morning at 6 a.m. we all packed into the car to pick up Kani. The ride back wasn't too bad. We marked our trip on the map. We listened to HSM CDs. I sat in the back with the boys, and even got some cuddle time in.
The afternoon was spent exploring the house and the toys. The boys tried out their sibling rivalry. We tried not to intervene too much as they will need to work it out. Sometimes we had to step in, but it wasn't too bad. They'll figure it out.
Went to church on Sunday, and that went really well. Kani was really well behaved and I was able to work myself out of the room. I think next week he may be able to be in there by himself during the service. The boys have an extra helper in the classroom now, so that should work pretty well as they all get to know each other better.
We got a call this morning that Kani had a really rough trip home. He cried the whole time (three plus hours) and asked why he couldn't stay with his family. Break my heart! So we're looking into how we can decrease the amount of anxiety he has to experience for the remainder of his transition to our home. More details to come on that later.
The afternoon was spent exploring the house and the toys. The boys tried out their sibling rivalry. We tried not to intervene too much as they will need to work it out. Sometimes we had to step in, but it wasn't too bad. They'll figure it out.
Went to church on Sunday, and that went really well. Kani was really well behaved and I was able to work myself out of the room. I think next week he may be able to be in there by himself during the service. The boys have an extra helper in the classroom now, so that should work pretty well as they all get to know each other better.
We got a call this morning that Kani had a really rough trip home. He cried the whole time (three plus hours) and asked why he couldn't stay with his family. Break my heart! So we're looking into how we can decrease the amount of anxiety he has to experience for the remainder of his transition to our home. More details to come on that later.
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